Ascendas REIT - Recovery On Track
Still our top pick
- Ascendas REIT (SGX:A17U) achieved stronger portfolio rental reversions in 1Q21 of +3.0%, led by its Singapore business & science parks (+2.8%), and logistics & distribution centres (+5.6%). While its portfolio occupancy fell due to non-renewals, rental recovery in 2021 remains underway. We raised DPU forecast by 1.3% with the added European data centre portfolio.
- Ascendas REIT's fundamentals are strong, backed by scale, rising DPU visibility, upside from deals and/or redevelopments, and further overseas diversification.
- Valuations are demanding at 5.1% FY21 yield. Maintain BUY, with higher DDM-based S$3.65 target price (COE: 6.4%, LTG: 2.0%).
Lower occupancies, dips in Singapore, Australia
- Ascendas REIT's portfolio occupancy fell q-o-q to 90.6% (from 91.7%), due mainly to weaker occupancies in Singapore (from 99.4% to 86.9%) and Australia (97.4% to 94.9%), with non-renewals at TUV SUD PSB Building and 138 Depot Road (in Singapore) and 1 Distribution Place (Sydney) and 62 Stradbroke Street (Brisbane).
- Tenants from the biomedical, electronics, and distributor trade segments accounted for the highest proportion of new demand in 1Q21 by gross rental income at ~34%, 29% and 10% respectively.
Rental reversion stronger at +3.0%
- Ascendas REIT's portfolio delivered a distribution centres at +5.6% (from - 7.1%), while rental reversions maintain an optimistic outlook for Ascendas REIT's rental growth, which we believe will likely be led by its business parks, suburban office and logistics space (now 79% of its AUM).
AUM boost from European expansion
- Ascendas REIT's AUM jumped its leverage rose to 38.0% (from 32.8%).
- Ascendas REIT's deal pipeline includes S$251.2m in Australia over the next two years, which suggests a further S$3.6b debt headroom (at 50% limit). We believe Ascendas REIT could revisit its sponsor’s S$1b pipeline at Singapore’s Science Park in the medium term.
- See Ascendas REIT Share Price; Ascendas REIT Target Price; Ascendas REIT Analyst Reports; Ascendas REIT Dividend History; Ascendas REIT Announcements; Ascendas REIT Latest News.
Chua Su Tye
Maybank Kim Eng Research
SGX Stock
Analyst Report