trending_upStocks closed at its 60 days high with more than double of average volume
Stock | Last Traded on 2016-02-17 | Volume Traded on 2016-02-17 | Price Range of Previous 60 Days | Average Volume of Previous 60 Days |
DAPAI INTL HLDG CO. LTD. (FP1.SI) | SGD 0.014 | 25,326,500 | 0.010 ~ 0.007 | 212,821 |
SAIZEN REAL ESTATE INV TRUST (T8JU.SI) | SGD 1.110 | 1,133,000 | 1.105 ~ 1.065 | 523,103 |
KODA LTD (BJZ.SI) | SGD 0.430 | 36,000 | 0.420 ~ 0.380 | 914 |
trending_downStocks closed at its 60 days low with more than double of average volume
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