DBS Group - Decent Operating Performance
- DBS's 1H20 net profits of SGD2.4bn fell 26% from a year ago, with total allowances raised five-fold to SGD1.94bn to manage risks pre-emptively.
- DBS's 2Q dividends of 18 cents/share declared, for which a scrip dividend option will be issued at the average of closing prices on 14 and 17 August 2020.
- Elevated credit cost guidance is maintained for total allowances of SGD3-5bn over two years (of which SGD1.9bn has been taken in 1H20), further NIM compression ahead.
- Depressed valuations are reflecting lowered expectations and soft outlook ahead. Fair value is lifted to SGD22.50 implying 1.07x price/book (-1 s.d. to its 10Y historical average p/b).
Better than expected 1H20
- DBS (SGX:D05)'s 1H20 net profits of SGD2.4bn fell 26% y-o-y, as total allowances were raised five-fold to SGD1.94bn to strengthen the balance sheet for higher risks due to the pandemic. Total income gained 7% to SGD7.75bn, with stable expenses at SGD3.04bn. Fee income improved but remain below pre-Covid levels. Market conditions were beneficial for treasury markets income.
- Net interest income and fee income gained 1% y-o-y. 1H NIMs fell 16bps from a year ago to 1.74% (1Q NIM 1.86%, 2Q 1.62%). Lower NIMs however were mitigated by higher loan volumes (+3%, led by SG & HK non-trade corporate loans while trade and consumer loans declined), bringing 1H NII -2% h-o-h. Profit before allowances gained 12% to a new high of SGD4.7bn.
- DBS's capital continues to be healthy, with slight fall in CET1 ratio to 13.7%.
Lower dividends declared
- Lower dividends declared in line with MAS’s recent guidance (FY20 dividends to be capped at 60% of FY19 DPS) – DBS declared lower 2Q dividends of 18 cents/share following the recent MAS guidance, for which scrip dividend option (payable ~5 October 2020) will be issued at the average of closing prices on 14 and 17 August 2020.
Asset quality remains a concern, although 2Q has not seen much NPL formation and SP
- Management maintained prior guidance for total allowances of SGD3-5bn over two years (of which SGD1.9bn has been taken in 1H). 1H NPL ratio was stable at 1.5% due to limited NPL formation seen in 2Q (although this remains early days), vs 1.6% in March as most of the new NPA occurred in 1Q, which included a significant oil trader.
- NPA increased +10% in 1H. Reserves are now 24% above the minimum requirement from MAS. Allowance coverage was boosted to 106% or a higher coverage of 199% inclusive of collateral (valued at SGD2.97bn).
Conservative guidance ahead, some improvement in fee income streams since the trough in April as lockdowns eased
- NIMs should decline further in 2H20 although unrealized mark-to-market gains in investment securities and modest loans growth should mitigate some of the impact on NII. Full year FY20E NIM is expected to be around 1.6% (implying 2H20 NIMs will fall further towards ~1.5%), FY20E loans growth is projected at 5%.
- While 1H CIR improved and a review of costs is ongoing, full year guidance was maintained for 43%, implying an increase in 2H.
Recovery path will remain gradual.
- Recovery path will remain gradual, although concerns appear largely reflected in undemanding valuations. Fair value is raised to SGD22.50 - With depressed valuations reflecting lowered expectations for a weaker growth outlook and a prolonged recovery path from the pandemic, we raise our fair value to SGD22.50 which implies 1.07x price/book (-1 s.d. to its past 10-year historical average multiple).
- We expect continued NIMs pressure ahead as the lagged impact from the 1Q rate cuts passes through.
- See DBS Share Price; DBS Target Price; DBS Analyst Reports; DBS Dividend History; DBS Announcements; DBS Latest News.
- Upcoming quarters should continue to provide clarity on the unfolding impact of the viral outbreak on loans and asset quality while the bank build up provisions further.
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