Mapletree Industrial Trust (MINT SP) - Hi-tech High
In line results, BUY
- We raise DPU forecasts for Mapletree Industrial Trust (MINT) by 0-1% following its 4Q/FY18. Results were in line, driven by higher hi-tech contribution, at 27.8% of NPI and 37.7% of its AUM at end-Mar 2018.
- With growth visibility from its completed Kallang AEI and full-year accretion from the Dec 2017 US data centre investment, we expect MINT to deliver 5.9% 3-year DPU CAGR, the strongest amongst its peers.
- Upside will be underpinned by its strong balance sheet, with SGD0.7-1.1b in debt headroom. Our new DDM-based Target Price is SGD2.25 (WACC: 7.2%, LTG: 1.5%) and we reiterate BUY.
Steady quarter
- Mapletree Industrial Trust (MINT)’s 4Q18 revenue and NPI both rose 2.9% y-o-y, driven by contribution from the HP build-to-suit (BTS) and its 40% interest in the portfolio of 14 US data centres acquired in Dec 2017. FY18 DPU of SGD11.75cts, up 3.2% y-o-y, met ours and consensus estimates.
- Singapore occupancies excluding hi-tech and business park buildings were stable or improved q-o-q. The AEI at 30A Kallang Place that completed in Feb 2018 with 40.2% of its NLA pre-committed caused the dip in hi-tech occupancy, and should improve in coming quarters. According to management, the signing rents (with technology sector tenants) average SGD3.50-3.80 psfpm versus the sub- SGD2.00 psf pm achieved at other older flatted factory buildings in the Kallang Basin cluster.
- Meanwhile, MINT has backfilled about 23% of the business park space vacated by Johnson & Johnson.
- Most segments except for hi-tech saw negative reversions (from -0.8% to -3.8%) during the quarter, as rents lag improving manufacturing GDP growth.
Sound balance sheet underscores growth optionality
- Mapletree Industrial Trust (MINT) continues to stand tall on key balance-sheet metrics, with its low 2.9% funding cost and 33.1% aggregate leverage, versus the 36.7% industrial REIT sector average. Hedged borrowing ratio has risen to 85.1% from 60.7%, with weighted average debt maturity extended to 3.3 years (from 3.0 years). MINT has fully hedged its US JV investment with matched USD borrowings and 99% of its FY18 income stream.
- We estimate SGD0.7-1.1b in debt headroom to support potential inorganic growth opportunities.
Swing Factors
- Earlier-than-expected pick-up in leasing demand driving improvement in occupancy.
- Better-than-anticipated rental reversion trend.
- Accretive acquisitions.
- Prolonged slowdown in economic activity could reduce demand for industrial space, resulting in lower occupancy and rental rates.
- Termination of long-term leases contributing to weaker portfolio tenant retention rate.
- Sharper-than-expected rise in interest rates could increase cost of debt and negatively impact earnings, with higher cost of capital lowering valuations.
Chua Su Tye
Maybank Kim Eng
SGX Stock
Analyst Report