CapitaLand Mall Trust - Sale Of Sembawang Shopping Centre At 2x Fy17 Valuation
- CapitaLand Mall Trust (CMT)'s 1Q18 NPI and DPU within our estimates.
- Higher occupancy and lower operating expenses supported 1.8% y-o-y increase in DPU.
- Overall tenant sales still sluggish, but with a few outperforming sub-sectors.
- Sale of Sembawang Shopping Centre (SSC) at 1.97x FY17 valuation a positive surprise.
- Maintain NEUTRAL with higher Target Price of S$2.05 (from S$2.03) to account for divestment gains.
Results at a glance
+ Higher occupancy and lower operating expenses propped up DPU amidst still challenging operating environment in terms of tenant sales.
- These came against the backdrop of flat rental reversions and tenant sales y-o-y. We are heartened to see the moderation in negative rental reversion (-1.7%) from FY17. Nonetheless, we believe tenant sales need to improve for this trend to sustain, given the elevated occupancy cost of 18.7%.
+ Sale of Sembawang Shopping Centre to Lian Beng at 1.97x FY17 valuation a positive surprise.
- This translates to an exit cap rate of c.2.6%. We think the willingness of the buyer to pay the huge premium boils down to the 999-year lease of Sembawang Shopping Centre. Leases of the other malls in CMT’s portfolio range from 60-99 years.
- Sembawang Shopping Centre represents < 2% of Group total investment properties as at FY17.
+ No more debt expiries in FY18.
- Management refinanced S$605mn worth of loans and a 6-year MTN in 1Q18. These loans were due to expire in 2018. Refinancing were done at lower interest rates (albeit using loans with shorter tenures ranging from 1-4 years). There is no more debt expiring in 2018 and hence little refinancing risk this year.
The negatives
- Overall tenant sales still sluggish, down 0.2% y-o-y.
- This is comparable to the flat y-o-y change for FY17. The three biggest trade sectors by GRI (F&B, Fashion, Beauty and Health) continue to struggle to post meaningful y-o-y sales growth. These sectors contribute c.55% of FY17 GRI.
- Despite generally rising interest rates, financing costs for FY18 should remain stable with the re-financing of expiring loans with shorter tenure debt at lower interest costs.
- Divestment proceeds from Sembawang Shopping Centre could also be used to further pare down debt and for Funan’s redevelopment capex. We have assumed a S$3mn/S$6mn cash top-up from divestment proceeds to DPU for loss in income from Sembawang Shopping Centre in FY18e/FY19e.
- Our DPU forecasts remain unchanged. Tenant sales has not picked up enough for us to foresee a more meaningful uptick in rental reversions.
Maintain NEUTRAL with higher target price of S$2.05 (from $2.03).
- We adjust our forecast to factor in the Sembawang Shopping Centre divestment. Increase in target price is factoring in divestment gains of c.S$122mn and our assumption of cash top-ups to DPU from FY18-FY20 in the absence of Sembawang Shopping Centre’s rental income.
Dehong Tan
Phillip Securities
SGX Stock
Analyst Report