Cache Logistics Trust (CACHE SP) - Still Some Way to Go
Initiate at HOLD, TP SGD0.95
- Cache is a direct play into Singapore’s global hub ambitions, given its well-entrenched logistics portfolio, while an expansion into Australia in 2015 has diversified growth engines.
- Supply pressures in the Singapore warehousing market are intense and should drive near-term risks, while further inorganic growth opportunities could be constrained by a stretched balance sheet.
- Valuations should be supported by 8% yield, but the unresolved rent dispute at 51 Alps Avenue could remain an overhang.
Australian assets to cushion
- Singapore headwinds Cache’s 19 high-quality assets command a WALE of 4.0 years, with minimal expiries in 2017 (4.5% by NLA and 3.9% by gross rental income).
- An expansion into Australia in 2015 with the acquisition of six third-party logistics properties should help mitigate oversupply headwinds in the Singapore warehouse leasing market, while we see rising contribution from its SGD147.2m build-to-suit (BTS) for DHL’s Supply Chain Advanced Regional Centre to help support DPU growth.
Stretched balance sheet limits further acquisitions
- Cache has been proactive in portfolio and capital management, with 63% of interest cost hedged and minimal refinancing due in FY17.
- However, in spite of asset divestments (Kin Heng Warehouse, Changi Districentre 3 completed in Jan 2017), balance sheet remains stretched with gearing at 41.9%. This, coupled with 2016 devaluation losses on its Singapore assets, adds constraints to further near term inorganic growth initiatives.
Overhang may clear once Schenker dispute resolved
- A holding arrangement remains in place at 51 Alps Avenue, where the ongoing rent dispute between master-tenant C&P and sub-tenant Schenker dating from May 2016 is still unresolved.
- Cache’s downside is protected, with legal recourse to damages of double rent payable from C&P for the duration that Schenker stays. Management remains optimistic on tenant retention given the asset (purpose-built with fresh capital sunk in) is in a free trade zone and a scarcity of alternatives at the Airport Logistics Park.
Swing Factors
- Earlier-than-expected pick-up in leasing demand driving improvement in occupancy.
- Better-than-anticipated rental reversion trend.
- Accretive acquisitions.
- Prolonged slowdown in economic activity could reduce demand for industrial space, resulting in lower occupancy and rental rates.
- Termination of long-term leases contributing to weaker portfolio tenant retention rate.
- Sharper-than-expected rise in interest rates could increase cost of debt and negatively impact earnings, with higher cost of capital lowering valuations.
Chua Su Tye
Maybank Kim Eng
Maybank Kim Eng
SGX Stock
Analyst Report