Ascendas REIT (AREIT SP) - REIT-urning to growth momentum
Top sector pick
- We reiterate AREIT as our top Industrial REITs sector pick, given its well-entrenched business parks exposure, and momentum from its Australian diversification strategy, as evidenced by the YoY growth in revenue, NPI, and DPU of 2.4%, 7.4% and 13% for the Mar 2017 quarter.
- With SGD2.3b in debt headroom to support inorganic growth initiatives, we see upside to our 2.2% 3-year DPU CAGR earnings estimates.
- For now, with 18% total return to our DDM-based TP of SGD2.85, we maintain BUY.
4Q/FY17 results in line
- AREIT’s 4Q/FY17 results were in line with consensus and our estimates on the back of acquisitions in Australia and Singapore Science Park properties.
- Portfolio occupancy was 90.2%, flat QoQ, but improved from 87.6% a year ago, with rental reversion at +3.2% (+3.1% for full-year), and business parks (+5.2%), and integrated development (+9.2%) offsetting hi-specs (-3.4%) and logistics (-18.8%).
- New leases signed were attributed to biomedical sector tenants (30.5% of 4Q17 gross income, and transport and storage (26.2% of full-year).
Balance sheet strength backs inorganic growth
- Aggregate leverage was 33.8% at end-FY17 vs 31.8% at end-Dec 2016 and 37.3% at end-FY16, with all-in borrowing costs at 3.0%.
- Hedged borrowing ratio was 78.9% from 82.7% at end-Dec 2016, with weighted average debt maturity at 3.3 years. AREIT sees SGD2.1b in available debt headroom (at 45% aggregate leverage) to support further inorganic growth initiatives, which we believe will remain tilted towards its key market segments.
Maintain BUY and SGD2.85 TP
- We have fine-tuned our model, and introduced FY20 estimates. We forecast NPI contribution from AREIT’s business parks and hi-specs properties to outpace growth in its broader asset portfolio, given stronger supply-demand visibility, and see margin improvement on the back of weaker asset conversion pressures with just 1.0% and 1.6% of leases expiring till FY19 due to single-tenanted buildings (STBs). Our DPU forecasts remain largely unchanged. BUY.
- Our TP of SGD2.85 is based on a DDM model. We utilize a DDM-based valuation methodology for REITs given the reliance on underlying asset cashflows as a significant return component.
- Key assumptions in our valuation for AREIT include a risk-free rate of 2.5%, and a market risk premium of 6.5% against our beta assumptions.
Swing Factors
- Earlier-than-expected pick-up in leasing demand driving improvement in occupancy.
- Better-than-anticipated rental reversion trend.
- Accretive acquisitions.
- Prolonged slowdown in economic activity could reduce demand for industrial space, resulting in lower occupancy and rental rates.
- Termination of long-term leases contributing to weaker portfolio tenant retention rate.
- Sharper-than-expected rise in interest rates could increase cost of debt and negatively impact earnings, with higher cost of capital lowering valuations.
Chua Su Tye
Maybank Kim Eng
Maybank Kim Eng
SGX Stock
Analyst Report