
2016 SGX Top 20 Price Gainers

2016 SGX Top 20 Performers @ SGinvestors.io

2016 SGX Best Performers

By comparing the last traded share price on 31-Dec-2016 vs the last traded share price on 30-Dec-2016, for the list of stocks with last traded price above SGD0.10 as at 31-Dec-2015, we derived the top 20 performers of year 2016.
  • Despite the bonus offer of 1 for 4 shares in September 2016, Best World International continued to top the list with 300% gain in share price.
  • Cityneon, AEM Holdings, Singapore Medical Group, China Kangda Food also had more than 150% gain in share price.
  • Acromec (listed on 18-Apr-2016) is the best performing IPO in 2016, with 117% gain in share price within 8 months.
  • S i2i had 81% gain in share price, even after the capital reduction and cash distribution of SGD0.729 in June 2016. If taken into consideration, S i2i would be the 2nd best performer with above 250% return.

Also Read: 2016H1 SGX Listed Stock Top 20 Price Gainers

List of Top 20 Price Gainers

Following is the list of 20 best performing stocks in 2016 with the respective price movement and dividends information.
(Click on the link to view more about the individual stock.)

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