Small caps 3Q16 - Still a muted quarter
- 3Q16 reporting season saw three stocks beating our expectations, while 13 stocks were in line. Three stocks reported lower-than-expected quarterly earnings.
- Our top growth picks are Cityneon and Memtech.
- Our top small-cap dividend pick is CEI Limited.
- We believe that the market will continue to re-rate Auric Pacific as it continues to deliver on earnings, given the completion of its restructuring.
- We believe Sunningdale’s cash flow generation capability and global footprint are still of interest to industry peers or private equity entities.
3Q16 earnings performance
- The earnings performance of the small-cap stocks under our coverage was again lukewarm in 3Q16.
- The 3Q16 results season saw net profit of three companies coming in above expectations (2Q16: two companies), 13 companies performing in line with expectations (2Q16: 11) and three companies below expectations (2Q16: 4).
- The 3Q16 earnings outperformance came mainly from slightly better sales performance and benefits of restructuring.
Top growth pick 1: Cityneon
- Cityneon’s 1H16 core net profit outperformed, at 82% of our FY16 forecast, thanks to its Victory Hill Exhibition (VHE) acquisition.
- We forecast core EPS growth of 109% for FY17 and 28% for FY18, driven by the launch of the Transformers’ exhibition in Las Vegas. Wining a third set of licensing rights would be a re-rating catalyst.
- Execution missteps and exogenous threats, such as negative impact from terrorist attacks, are key risks.
- Cityneon’s next results release would be in 1QCY17.
Top growth pick 2: Memtech
- Memtech’s 3Q16 results were boosted by the resumption of its Beats project. At its current run-rate, we believe Memtech is on track to achieve our FY16F net profit. 4Q16F net profit is likely to be stronger, driven by demand from Amazon and a second Beats project that was launched in the quarter.
- With net cash of US$24m at end-3Q16 and strong operating cash flow, we believe dividend yields of 3.6-6.7% are achievable in FY16-18F.
- We expect EPS growth of 63% and 14.6% in FY17F and FY18F.
Turnaround F&B play: Auric Pacific
- We view Auric as a deeply undervalued consumer staples play. Auric currently trades at FY16F/17F core P/E of 7.7x/7.3x, at a heavy discount to its bakery peers’ average of 17.1x/13.8x, or general F&B players’ 26.9x/23.3x.
- Excluding net cash of S$0.65/share at end-3Q16, Auric trades at 3.5x/3.2x FY16F/17F ex-cash P/E.
- Given Auric's significant net cash (55% of its market cap) and minority shareholder interest of only 23.83%, we think that major shareholders may consider privatising the company.
Dividend yield and US$ strength beneficiary
- We expect CEI Limited’s medtech and life science business to drive revenue growth of 5% p.a. over FY17-18F and propel average core EPS growth of 10.2% p.a. over FY17- 18F.
- Despite muted earnings growth, minimal capex and strong dividend track record could see investors rewarded with 10-11% dividend yields over FY16-17F.
- Based on its 10-year historical average P/E of 9.2x, we have an Add rating on the stock with target price of S$1.04. CEI Limited will report its FY16F results in 1QCY17.
Possible M&A target: Sunningdale Tech
- Sunningdale’s 9M16 core net profit was in line with expectations at 75% of our full-year forecast. The automotive segment continued to be the only segment with strong revenue growth.
- Although the company is cautious on its earnings outlook, we believe the new manufacturing plant in Chuzhou, China, which will be completed by end-2016, will mitigate cost pressure.
- We also believe that the group’s global manufacturing footprint could attract M&A interest from either industry players or private equity firms.
Highlighted companies
Auric Pacific Group Limited
- ADD, TP S$1.96, S$1.35 close
- Auric is a deeply undervalued consumer staples turnaround play, in our view. With the completion of its restructuring, we believe the company will continue to deliver positive earnings momentum moving forward.
CEI Limited
- ADD, TP S$1.04, S$0.84 close
- CEI Limited’s minimal capex and strong dividend track record could see investors being rewarded with 10-11% dividend yields over the next three years. Based on its 10- year historical average P/E of 9.2x, our TP is S$1.04.
Cityneon Holdings
- ADD, TP S$1.19, S$1.09 close
- We forecast core EPS growth of 109% for FY17 and 28% for FY18, driven by the launch of the Transformers’ exhibition in Las Vegas.
- Wining a third set of licensing rights would be a re-rating catalyst for Cityneon.
William TNG CFA
CIMB Research
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