Singapore REITs Industrial sub-sector - Watch for end-of-year revaluations
- Both sector-wide occupancy and rental fell quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year.
- Sector's Rental Index has fallen to 2012 levels, with rental reversions likely to extend into negative double-digits.
- Multiple-user Factory and Warehouse rental reversions already at negative double-digits and could worsen with the pipeline of new supply.
- Factory space will be hardest hit in 4Q 2016 with an onslaught of new supply.
- 2017 going to be worse than 2016 for Warehouse space.
- Slight negative bias for Business Park rental reversions are on the cards.
- Lower rents could lead to lower end-of-year valuations, resulting in higher gearing.
- "Underweight" on the Industrial sub-sector due to overwhelming new supply of space.
- Maintaining our "Equal Weight" view on the overall S-REITs sector.
What Is The News?
- JTC recently released its Quarterly Market Report of Industrial Properties for 3Q 2016.
Key takeaways from the quarter
- Leasing market remains soft; even Data Centre segment saw weakness Generally negative reversions across the Industrial REITs, as oversupply condition persists. Even the Data Centre segment was not spared: Keppel DC REIT gave a -8% reversion to a large client at Keppel DC Singapore 2.
- Exceptions of positive portfolio weighted average rental reversions during the quarter came from Ascendas REIT (+0.9%) with Mapletree Industrial Trust (+0.7%) lagging behind.
Tenant retention is paramount
- As with previous quarters, the situation with tenant retention remains unchanged.
- REIT Managers continue to focus on tenant retention amid the soft leasing environment. One Manager commented that "it is easier to retain a tenant, than to look for a new one".
Mindful of downward revaluation of properties
- Cache Logistics Trust experienced a downward revaluation for its property at 51 Alps Avenue, triggered by a tenancy contractual dispute. The property was revalued downwards by c.31%, losing 4.0 cents in net asset value (NAV) per Unit and pushing gearing to 41.2% from 39.8%.
- Other ongoing tenant dispute among the Industrial SREITs is at Soilbuild Business Space REIT; bearing in mind that the fiscal year-end revaluation for the REIT's portfolio will be in December.
- Other obvious candidates for downward revaluation are properties that were converted from a master lease to multi-tenancy lease.
Investment Actions
- Our "Equal Weight" view on the overall S-REITs sector remains unchanged, and we maintain our "Underweight" view on the Industrial sub-sector.
Cache Logistics Trust – Cautious over the possible overhang of Warehouse space.
- Maintain "Reduce" rating from our results report on 24 October.
- Our analysis suggests that the situation for Warehouse space in 2017 will be worse than 2016.
- Concentrated exposure of 27% of leases by gross rental income (GRI) expiring in FY18, majority from the master lease of CWT Commodity Hub.
- Ongoing rental dispute with Schenker Singapore Pte Ltd resulted in downward fair value adjustment of 51 Alps Avenue property from S$116.8 million to S$80.7 million.
- Possibility of further downward revaluation if outcome from the Court proceedings is unfavourable.
- We forecast 7.58/6.69 cents Distribution per unit (DPU) for FY16e/FY17e, which is 5.3%/14.2% lower than consensus expectations of 8.0/7.8 cents.
Keppel DC REIT – Proxy to explosive growth in data requirements.
- Maintain "Accumulate" rating from our results report on 12 October.
- Completed the acquisition of a shell and core data centre in Cardiff, Wales in October.
- Ongoing acquisition of shell and core data centre in Milan, Italy announced in August.
- Ongoing acquisition of 90% interest in Keppel DC Singapore 3 (formerly known as T27) from Sponsor, targeted by December.
- We forecast 6.96/7.45 cents DPU for FY16e/FY17e, which is 5.4%/2.1% higher than consensus expectations of 6.6/7.3 cents
Mapletree Industrial Trust – DPU growth from pipeline of build-to-suit (BTS) and asset enhancement initiative (AEI) projects.
- Maintained "Neutral" rating from our results report on 25 October.
- Phase One of Hewlett-Packard BTS has obtained its Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) in October, with Phase Two TOP expected six months later.
- Kallang Basin 4 Cluster AEI due to be completed 1Q 2018; currently 0% pre-committed.
- We are mindful of the 32.8% of leases expiring in FY18 in an oversupply landscape; about half of the leases expiring in FY18 come from the Flatted Factories segment.
- We forecast 11.14/11.59 cents DPU for FY17e/FY18e, which is in line with consensus expectations of 11.1/11.9 cents.
Soilbuild Business Space REIT (SBREIT) – Stability from master leases, but weighed down by concerns from Technics Offshore property
- We maintain our "Neutral" rating from our results report on 13 October.
- No master leases expiring in 2017; next master lease expiry will be for Solaris (20% of portfolio by GRI) in August 2018.
- Concentration risk as Technics Offshore contributes c.7.6% of portfolio GRI.
- Possibility of downward revaluation for the property if it is converted to multi-tenancy lease.
- We forecast 6.08/5.95 cents DPU for FY16e/FY17e; this is 0.3%/5.6% lower than consensus expectations of 6.1/6.3 cents.
Richard Leow CFTe
Phillip Securities
Phillip Securities
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