Mapletree Logistics Trust - Navigating through the headwinds
- 1HFY17 DPU of 3.71 Scts (flat yoy) was in line with our and consensus expectations, forming 50% of our FY17F. 2QFY17 DPU was at 25%.
- Portfolio occupancy rose 1% pt to 96.4% in 2QFY17. Achieved positive rental reversion of 2%, contributed by SGP, HK and S Korea.
- Completed S$161m of acquisitions in Australia, Malaysia and Vietnam. These would contribute in 2HFY16. Acquisitions to counterbalance organic weakness.
- Maintain Hold with a slightly lower DDM-target price.
Stable 2QFY17: achieved DPU of 1.86 Scts (flat yoy)
- 2QFY17 revenue and NPI both improved 5% yoy due to contributions from acquisitions and organic growth from the completed redevelopment Mapletree Logistics Hub – Toh Guan in SGP and extension building at Moriya Centre in Japan. These drivers helped to offset the -20% rental reversion for the KPPC lease in S Korea in the prior quarter.
- The Manager noted that DPU would have been 1.90 Scts if acquisitions were done hand in hand with the perpetuals. Instead, due to the negative carry, MLT achieved a flat DPU.
Portfolio performance
- Portfolio occupancy improved 1% pt to 96.4% due to higher occupancies in SGP (93.2%), HK (99.3%), China (96.5%) and Malaysia (98.6%), partially offset by lower occupancy in S Korea (98.7%). To date, Toh Guan has achieved a committed occupancy of 92% vs. 22% in 4QFY15.
- Rental rates for leases renewed/replaced in the quarter achieved an average positive rent reversion of c.2%, contributed mainly by SGP (+3%), HK (+4%) and S Korea (+6%).
Manager guides for challenging leasing environment
- A balance of 10.1% of leases by NLA (c.340.3k sqm) is to be renewed in 2HFY17 vs. 31% at the start of the year.
- The Manager guides for a challenging leasing environment, especially in China where it is increasingly becoming a two-speed market (differing dynamics in tier 1 vs. tier 2 cities).
- In Korea, the Manager has targeted potential tenants to take up c.50-80% of Pyeongtaek Port when E-Land vacates at year-end.
- In Singapore, the trust faces difficulties in renewing two single-user assets (SUAs).
Acquisitions in 1HFY17 to contribute in 2H
- The Manager completed S$161m of acquisitions in Australia (initial NPI yield of 7.1% at purchase price of S$87.4m), Malaysia (7.5% at S$52.8m) and Vietnam (9.9% at S$20.6m) in the quarter. The acquisitions were funded by the S$250m perps and would help to mitigate the impact of the challenging leasing environment.
- We sense that the Manager could further scale up in Australia and expand outside of Sydney.
- Also, the REIT would work on capital recycling of its older assets.
Acquisitions to counterbalance organic weakness; maintain Hold
- We trim our FY18-19F DPU by 1.4-1.5% to factor in slight negative rental reversions as well as frictional vacancies (i.e. expect some fit-out periods when new tenants move into Pyeongtaek Port) which is counterbalanced by acquisitions and redevelopment projects (Toh Guan and 76 Pioneer Road).
- So, we keep our Hold call with a slightly lower DDM-based target price (S$1.03).
- Upside risk may come from further acquisitions as MLT still has unutilised S$90m from the S$250m 4.18% perpetual securities issued in May
YEO Zhi Bin
CIMB Research
LOCK Mun Yee
CIMB Research
CIMB Research
SGX Stock
Analyst Report