Cache Logistics Trust (CACHE SP) - Breaking Down The Rental Dispute
- The latest development in Cache Logistics’ rental dispute saw the REIT manager planning to file claims against C&P on its failure to return vacant possession of Schenker Megahub. This follows the earlier wrangle around rental rates which were agreed upon without Cache’s knowledge.
- Our burndown scenario of potentially protracted legal proceedings still implies a healthy 8.7% yield.
- Maintain BUY with a lower target price of S$1.12.
Intention to claim against C&P following master lease expiry at Schenker Megahub (51 ALPS Avenue).
- Master tenant C&P has allowed its tenancy with Cache Logistics Trust (Cache) to lapse with effect from 31 Aug 16. Accordingly, Cache intends to claim from C&P double the rental amount for the duration of the holding over period (1 Sep onwards) or damages resulting, as the underlying end-user DB Schenker Logistics (Schenker) has not vacated the property.
Background of legal dispute.
- On 30 May 16, Schenker issued a legal summons to Cache, calling upon the REIT manager to uphold Schenker’s agreement with master tenant C&P. The agreement included an option for Schenker to renew its anchor lease (expired 31 Aug 16) at a rental rate agreed upon by itself and C&P.
- Cache then announced that it would seek legal advice over the terms of the agreement, which it asserted was wholly between C&P and DB Schenker, and beyond its own masterlease agreement with C&P.
Legality of renewal option at pre-agreed rental rate between C&P and Schenker in question.
- When C&P sub-leased the building to Schenker, it also entered into an option to renew the lease at a pre-determined rate on 31 Aug 16 on commercial terms, unbeknownst to Cache.
- Thus, Cache is contesting the legality of the option extended to Schenker by C&P, asserting that it was previously informed by C&P that Schenker’s option to renew is not valid.
Substantially lower implied rental rate underpinning Cache’s vigorous legal defence.
- While the exact agreed upon rent has not been disclosed, 1Q16 pro-forma DPU would decline 7.3% to 1.89 S cents (previously 2.039 S cents) should the REIT manager have accepted the new rate. As Schenker Megahub contributed about 8.8% of 2015 gross revenue, the shortfall in rental implies substantial lower rates under the option agreement extended to Schenker by C&P.
Interim rental payment likely at the pre-determined rate.
- While resolution of the legal dispute is ongoing, we opine that Cache Logistics Trust could enter into a holding arrangement, likely at the pre-determined rental rates (under protest or without prejudice).
- We have assumed that the legal wrangle could potentially be protracted, stretching over the next two years in our burn-down scenario. Thus, we lowered rental income contribution from Schenker Megahub by extrapolating from the company’s announced pro-forma decline in 1Q16 DPU.
- Divestment gains from Kim Heng warehouse potentially used to shore up distributions. Cache sold its Kim Heng warehouse for a gain of S$9.7m in June last year.
- After distributing a collective S$6.7m in divestment gains since then, we opine that the S$3m remaining proceeds could likely be utilised to shore up the shortfall in distributions.
- We have accordingly factored about S$2m in gains to be paid out for 2H16, with the remainder divvied out in 2017.
Potential earnings uplift should claims against C&P succeed.
- As a result of failing to deliver vacant possession of the Schenker Megahub asset (still occupied by the end user), C&P could be liable to pay Cache double the rental rates, or damages arising from Schenker remaining in 51 ALPS, over the duration of the holding over period (from 1 Sep 16 onwards), under the terms of its master lease agreement. We have not factored this uplift in our earnings estimates due to the opacity in length of legal proceedings.
- Terms of legal summons by Schenker:
- A declaration that the Anchor Lease Agreement (ALA) between itself and C&P is binding upon the REIT Manager and the Trustee.
- That the REIT manager and Trustee (HSBC Institutional Trust) seek consent from JTC for the ALA renewal.
- Alternatively, that C&P, the Trustee, and the REIT manager jointly seek consent from JTC for the ALA renewal.
- We reduce our 2016, 2017 and 2018 DPU estimates by 2.1%, 7.7% and 8.3% respectively with the conservative assumption of a drawn-out legal process over the next two years.
- Maintain BUY with a lowered target price of S$1.12 (previously S$1.21) based on DDM (required rate of return: 6.6%, terminal growth: 1.3%). Cache continues to trade a healthy forward DPU yield of 8.7%, above its 5-year mean of 7.93%.
- Positive rental reversions.
- Successful resolution of rental dispute with Schenker.
Vikrant Pandey
UOB Kay Hian
Derek Chang
UOB Kay Hian
UOB Kay Hian
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