Frasers Centrepoint Trust (FCT SP) - Trouble at Changi City Point?
3Q results in line, but cracks appearing
- Results are in line.
- We continue to expect flat DPUs for FCT (slight tweak 0%/-0.7%/-1.5%): Causeway Point, Northpoint post AEI, Anchorpoint and Yew Tee Point are incumbent malls with strong catchments and little competition, they are likely to hold their own; but strong supply conditions may affect malls with lesser positioning: Changi City Point and Bedok Point.
- Maintain SELL, TP revised to SGD 1.90 (+6.7%) as we lower our yield target to 6.1% (-1SD), to reflect global bond yield compression.
Vacancy drives Rev/NPI declines
- 3Q revenue and NPI dropped 4.4%/5.1% YoY as occupancy declined (90.8%, -1.2ppt QoQ, -5.7ppt YoY), offsetting positive rent reversions (+8.3%).
- Rise in vacancy was mainly attributed to the impact from Northpoint’s asset-enhancement initiative that started last quarter, as well as transitional vacancy from Changi City Point. These negatives offset impressive rent reversions at Causeway Point (+9.4%), which accounted for 67% of portfolio renewals in the quarter.
- Despite this, DPU was maintained at 3.04 Scts (flat QoQ and YoY) as FCT dipped into SGD2.1m of previously undistributed income.
Trouble at Changi City Point?
- Results are largely to expectations (9M results c.75% forecasts), as medium-term pain from Northpoint’s AEI was well anticipated. But the on-going difficulties at CCP were less so; vacancy there cratered to 81.3% vs 89.3% in 2Q.
- Transitional vacancy is understandable, but CCP’s occupancy when first purchased by FCT in 3Q14 was 97.7%; it has been in steady decline since.
- CCP may be having difficulty differentiating itself as it lacks a strong residential catchment, and Changi Business Park does not appear to be providing enough of an office crowd throughput.
- Come 2018, it will also face formidable competition in Project Jewel.
Compressed bond yields to raise TP
- In SREIT Strategy: To flow or not to flow, we highlighted that REITs globally are a cheap asset class relative to bonds, and SREIT yields are the most attractive among developed markets.
- In an environment of heightened risks to growth, global bond yields have further compressed, supporting the case for further SREIT yield compression.
- We tighten FCT’s yield target to 6.1%, 1SD below the mean, from 6.5% previously.
Joshua Tan
Maybank Kim Eng
Derrick Heng CFA
Maybank Kim Eng
Maybank Kim Eng
SGX Stock
Analyst Report