Summary on Target Price & Analyst Ratings of SGX listed REITs (Office, Retail, Others) as of 27-May-2016.
List of REITs covered
Office: Capitaland Commercial Trust, Frasers Commercial Trust, Keppel REIT, OUE Commercial Trust, Suntec REIT.
Retail: Capitaland Mall Trust, Capitaland Retail China Trust, Frasers Centerpoint Trust, Lippo Malls Indo Retail Trust, Mapletree Commercial Trust, Mapletree Greater China Commercial Trust, SPH REIT, Starhill Global REIT .
Others: Keppel DC REIT.
What has changed?
Since our previous summary on 18-Mar-2016, share price of Lippo Malls Indo Retail Trust (LMIRT) has gained 8% while price movement of other REITs are within the range of +3% and -4%.
In terms of target price, the average target price of Mapletree Commercial Trust has been raised by 10%. Average target price changes of other REITs are in the range of +4% to -5%.
Most Upside
Mapletree Greater China Commercial Trust , Frasers Commercial Trust. (By comparing the average target price against the last traded price on 27-May)
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