
GL Limited - CIMB Research 2016-05-15: An exceptionally weak 3Q

GL Limited - CIMB Research 2016-05-15: An exceptionally weak 3Q GUOCOLEISURE LIMITED B16.SI 

GL Limited - An exceptionally weak 3Q 

  • Seasonality aside, GL’s 3Q16 results were weaker than expected, with core net loss of S$1.0m. 9M16 core net profit formed 69% of our FY6/16 forecast. 
  • Hotel earnings were negatively affected by weak tourism sentiment in London due to the Paris terror attack in Nov 15 and adverse FX translation from the weaker £. 
  • O&G royalty income was negatively affected by the low crude oil price and workers’ strike at the Bass Strait oil production field that lasted for over one month. 
  • Maintain Add, with a lower target price of S$1.18 (25% discount to CY16 RNAV). 

3Q16 financial highlights 

  • Reported net profit fell 21% yoy to US$3.5m in 3Q16 (3Q15: US$4.4m), on the back of 14% yoy decline in revenue. 
  • Excluding the one-off reversal in tax provision of c.US$5m, GL would have incurred slight core net loss of c.US$1m in 3Q16. 
  • While we note that 3Q is the seasonally-weakest quarter, we deem GL’s 3Q16 core performance a miss, as we expected slight core net profit. 

Hotel performance marred by weak tourism sentiment and FX 

  • Hotel revenue fell 12% yoy to US$68m in 3Q16 (3Q15: US$77m) due to adverse FX translation (£ depreciated 6-7% yoy against the US$ during the quarter) and a yoy drop in room occupancy, as tourism sentiment in London was negatively affected by the Paris terror attack in Nov. 
  • We expect moderate recovery in hotel room occupancy in 4Q, which is a seasonally-strong quarter. 
  • We forecast that hotel EBITDA for FY16 will be largely flat. 

Lower O&G royalty income due to low oil price and workers’ strike 

  • Oil & gas (O&G) royalty income fell 32% yoy to US$3.8m in 3Q16 (3Q15: US$5.6m), due to the significantly lower oil price yoy and a month-long workers’ strike at the Bass Strait oil production field. 
  • We believe that the group’s O&G royalty income will not deteriorate further going forward, given that the Bass Strait oil field has resumed full production and crude oil price appears to have stablised at the US$40-50/barrel level. 

Progress of asset monetisation has remained slow 

  • While the potential disposal of the group’s non-core assets, including the Molokai property and London casino, would be a key re-rating catalyst for the stock, we understand that progress has been very slow. 
  • Management said GL’s near-term focus remains improving hotel operations through refurbishment and rebranding. 
  • As for the non-core businesses (incurred small losses in 3Q), the near-term target is to achieve breakeven and lessen their drag on the group’s overall earnings performance. 

Maintain Add, with a lower target price of S$1.18 

  • We lower our FY16-18F EPS forecasts by 3-9%, to reflect the negative impact from the FX translation. 
  • We are optimistic of recovery in GL’s hotel performance going forward, as we believe that the terror threat is only a short-term hiccup. 
  • London is a long-loved tourist destination for its cultural, sporting and historical attractions and a weak £ should spur tourism interest in the medium term.

Roy CHEN CIMB Securities | William TNG CFA CIMB Securities | http://research.itradecimb.com/ 2016-05-15
CIMB Securities SGX Stock Analyst Report ADD Maintain ADD 1.18 Down 1.26


