United Overseas Bank - The credit cycle starts
- 4Q15 NP in line with ours, above consensus. FY15 was at 100% of our forecast.
- Topline exceeded our estimate. NII rose 3.4% on 2bp margin expansion (mostly Singapore, Malaysia) while trading had a good quarter, seasonally adjusted.
- Strong NII and trading kept 4Q PPOP ahead, even with one-off costs.
- Main focus is on asset quality. NPL edges up (1.4%) on increases across sectors. Total allowances stay at 32bp of loans but in 4Q, this is mostly specific allowances.
- Our GGM-based target price (1.06x P/BV) is trimmed on FY17-18 EPS cuts.
■ The credit cycle starts
- 4Q15 confirms that the credit cycle has started. NPL rose for a consecutive quarter (4Q: 1.4%, 3Q:1.3), broad-based across sectors.
- Although 4Q total provisioning stayed at 32bp of loans, SP formed the bulk (22bp). SPs increased in Singapore, Greater China and Indonesia.
- Our total provisioning forecast for 2016 is a doubling of current levels.
■ Topline ahead of expectations on strong trading-related income
- 4Q net profit of S$788m was within our expectations (S$770m) but above consensus (S$749m). 4Q topline was flat qoq, but up 12.5% yoy.
- A flat performance in a seasonally weak quarter is not bad at all. The topline surprised on stronger net interest income (NII) and trading-related income. Fee income (-1% qoq) also held up relatively well.
■ Loans rose 2% qoq, deposits shrank 1.7% qoq, margins up 2bp
- NII rose nicely on 2% qoq loan growth and 2bp NIM expansion.
- The margin expansion took place in Singapore and Malaysia, as loans continued to re-price upwards. Thailand and Indonesia continued to see margin erosion.
- We believe the margin expansion is partly explained by some deposit shrinkage (-1.7% qoq).
- Importantly, even as the S$ LDR edges up (91.7%), the more important LCR metrics are all improving.
■ PPOP ahead, despite presence of small one-off costs
- With strong NII and trading, pre-provision operating profit (PPOP) still came in ahead of our expectations, despite the presence of one-off costs this quarter.
- 4Q included S$43m of one-off costs relating to SG50 and UOB80 celebrations (FY15: S$67m), which hiked the cost ratio up to 46%.
- Adjusted for these, 4Q cost ratio was at a more reasonable 44%.
- An above-expectations PPOP was eventually doused by higher provisions though.
■ Explaining exposure to China and commodities
- Management took pains to explain their exposure to China and commodities.
- Out of S$21.1bn (6.6% of total assets) exposure to China, 52% is to banks, 41% to non-banks.
- The exposure to banks is mostly short-term (99% < 1 year), to top five domestic banks (75%) and trade-related (65%).
- Exposure to non-bank is mostly to top SOEs, its NPL ratio (1%) is lower than group NPL.
- The exposure to commodities (S$14.8bn, 7% of group loans) is mostly to traders and downstream segments.
■ Maintain Hold, FY16 EPS raised as we defer some allowances back
- We maintain our Hold rating.
- Our new target price of S$19.31 (1.06x CY16 P/BV, GGM) is trimmed on EPS cuts. Although 4Q results were not bad and share price has de-rated to 1x P/BV (attractive valuations), the start of a credit cycle is not a good time to take exposure to developing ASEAN struggling with the aftermath of low commodity prices.
Kenneth NG CFA
CIMB Securities
Jessalynn CHEN
CIMB Securities
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Analyst Report